Viewpoint Color magazine is a biannual publication ded- icated to the ever-evolving world of color—a world that shapes how we create, how we feel, and how we connect. Curated by a team of experts from the world of art, fash- ion and design, with insights from color specialists from all over the world, Viewpoint Color Magazine seeks to make color accessible to everyone. We aspire to create not just as a tool, but an experience that celebrates the power of color and guides you through the vibrant spectrum of pos- sibilities that color offers. A magazine that is not just a resource—it's a celebration of the transformative potential of color in the world of art, fashion and design. Each issue is a carefully curated blend of inspiring features focusing on artists and innovators who are pushing the boundaries of how color is used and providing expert color guidance, color cards, and forward-thinking color direction to em- power your creative process and influence your choices. We seek to inform and inspire people in all domains of cre- ativity, recognizing that color is more than a tool; it’s a lan- guage, a mood, an experience.